Welcome to the '70s | Gerald Ashley

On this episode of Brigadoon Radio, Gerald Ashley and Marc Ross discuss the year-end and the year ahead with a focus on inflation, union strikes in the UK, the Federal Reserve, a resurgence of infrastructure and manufacturing, the end of FTX, the trench warfare of Ukraine, developments in Turkey, the Germany coup plot, the fusion breakthrough, Japan a country to watch, no 2023 Taiwan invasion, supply chains and friend-shoring, and what they are reading and watching.

Reading and watching recommendations from this Brigadoon Radio episode:

As strikes expand, Britain faces a new ‘winter of discontent’: In the 1970s, Margaret Thatcher accused the Labour government of losing control. Now, the same charge is being leveled by Labour against the Conservatives. NYT

Why trench warfare still persists in 2022: Going underground in the Ukraine conflict is still as vital tactically as in the First World War. The Times

‘Hell. Just hell’: Ukraine and Russia’s war of attrition over Bakhmut: Soldiers say fighting in and around eastern Donetsk city is reminiscent of first world war-style trench conflict. FT

War in Ukraine: Macron's lone ranger diplomacy Le Monde

Turkey bars potential challenger to President Erdogan from politics: NYT reports the mayor of Istanbul, a possible rival to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the 2023 elections, was convicted of insulting public officials.

Germany coup plot: Far-right cell targeted many senior officials including Scholz: According to investigators, the commando group dismantled last week was not only planning to seize the Bundestag. Le Monde

Japan to buy Tomahawk missiles in defense buildup amid fears of war WP

+ The missile buy would boost Japan’s long-range strike capability and mark a stunning break with a long tradition of eschewing offensive weapons.

+ Japan will move forward on the Tomahawk decision as a part of the rollout of its new national security and defense strategies this month, along with a major hike in Japan’s defense budget.

Japan to upgrade cyber defense, allowing preemptive measures: A revised National Security Strategy to open doors for a proactive response. Nikkei

Japan ruling parties call China 'challenge' in defense strategy: Nikkei reports upgraded documents to seek 'counterstrike capability' in a shift in postwar approach.

The Power of Geography: Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World - Tim Marshall

The global microchip race: Europe’s bid to catch up: The region still has hidden strengths in the equipment used in chipmaking but faces a shortage of skilled labor. FT

The Ascent of Man - Jacob Bronowski

Tokyo Vice is an American crime drama television series created by JT Rogers and based on the 2009 book of the same title by Jake Adelstein.

The Optimist's Telescope: Thinking Ahead in a Reckless Age - Bina Venkataraman

The Well-Tempered City: What Modern Science, Ancient Civilizations, and Human Nature Teach Us About the Future of Urban Life - Jonathan FP Rose