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Brigadoon November Call with Florence Williams

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Title: Why nature makes us happier, healthier, and more creative

Time + Date: 2:00 pm ET | Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Speaker: Florence Williams | Author of The Nature Fix

Florence Williams, who grew up in the heart of Manhattan, might seem at first glance like an unlikely outdoors advocate. But she spent every summer running rivers in the wilderness with her dad, living out of tents and their funky late-1970s Dodge van.

She started her journalism career in western Colorado, covering the environment at High Country News and then as a contributing editor for Outside Magazine.

Always interested in the hidden connections between people and nature, her books, podcasts, and articles focus on human health, emotional well-being, planetary health, and environmental justice, and the ways all those things intersect.

These days, from her base in Washington, DC, Florence is most passionate about connecting people, especially those who live in cities, to nature, in whatever forms that might take. Real people. Access. Nature everywhere.

Most recently the author of The Nature Fix: How Being in Nature Makes us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative, she is a fellow at the Center for Humans and Nature.


Brigadoon Monthly Calls are 45-minute moderated discussions led by a subject matter expert in an emerging issue shaping commerce and culture.

The guest speaker makes opening remarks for ten minutes and takes questions for the balance of the call.

All calls happen using Google Meet.

Just like all Brigadoon gatherings, Brigadoon House Rules govern the session. The call is powerpoint free, the recording is private, and participants are free to use data from the discussion but are not allowed to reveal who made any comments or participated.


Brigadoon Monthly Calls are free to all Brigadoon Members in good standing and their guests or $25.00 - $45.00 for other participants.

$45.00 ticket price includes a copy of The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative.
