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Brigadoon March Call with Dr. Leigh George

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Title: Customers are the Disruptors

Time + Date: 2:00 pm ET | Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Leigh George | CEO @ Freedom

Customers are the disruptors. If you don’t understand their needs, motivations, and behaviors, your competitors will.

Leigh founded Freedom—a strategic branding and marketing un-agency—to help organizations understand their products and services from customers’ point of view and develop brand messages and marketing that are welcome, persuasive, and spur action.

Leigh is a recognized branding expert with a Ph.D. in branding and over 20 years of experience in branding and marketing strategy.


Brigadoon Monthly Calls are 45-minute moderated discussions led by a subject matter expert in an emerging issue shaping commerce and culture.

The guest speaker makes opening remarks for ten minutes and takes questions for the balance of the call.

All calls happen using Google Meet.

Just like all Brigadoon gatherings, Brigadoon House Rules govern the session. The call is powerpoint free, the recording is private, and participants are free to use data from the discussion but are not allowed to reveal who made any comments or participated.


Brigadoon Monthly Calls are free to all Brigadoon Members in good standing and their guests or $25.00 for other participants.