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Brigadoon Monthly | Member Call with Gerald Ashley

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Uncertainty and why it’s a good thing


Gerald Ashley | Managing Director @ St Mawgan & Co + Independent Non-Executive Director @ Equitile Investments

Gerald is one of the UK’s leading advisors, writers, and speakers on behavioral risk, disruptive change, and decision making.

Before becoming a full-time consultant in 2001, he spent 25 years in banking and finance, most recently at the Bank for International Settlements.

Looking at risk from all industries and areas of life and study, Gerald seeks to challenge the classical economic models, attempting to predict behavior with linear, rational processes.

Gerald believes that people simply don’t work like that, whether it’s consumers deciding what product to buy or business leaders choosing corporate strategy or investment.

With examples ranging from forest fires to Hollywood actresses, he takes an entertaining, insightful look at where many conventional, accepted ways of viewing problems, making decisions, and assessing risk are flawed.

By highlighting that there are sometimes no perfect solutions, many ‘known unknowns,’ and that we are influenced by context rather than facts and instinctive biases rather than rational analysis, he leads audiences to new ways of thinking.

He is a Visiting Fellow at Newcastle Business School and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Gerald is the author of three books, including Financial Speculation: Trading financial biases and behavior and Two Speed World: The impact of explosive and gradual change - its effect on you and everything else.


Brigadoon Member | Monthly Calls are 45-minute moderated discussions with fellow Brigadoon Members led by a subject matter expert in an emerging issue shaping commerce and culture.

The guest speaker makes opening remarks for ten minutes and takes questions for the balance of the call.

All calls happen using Google Meet and are limited to Brigadoon Members with a few handpicked guests.

Just like all Brigadoon gatherings, Brigadoon House Rules govern the session. The call is powerpoint free, the recording is private, and participants are free to use data from the discussion but are not allowed to reveal who made any comments or participated.